Sheet Music Originals

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Free Music

Fun Music for Teachers & Students of All Ages!
Hope You Enjoy!

Simply select the “Click Here” button next to the song that you’d like to hear.
An MP3 Player will open on your computer to listen to your choice.
If you’d like to Download the song click on the 3 dots on the right of the player and select the Download option.

Affirmation: Play along with piano!
With the left hand using your thumb and pinky play only the rhythm you hear in the low bass notes.

T= thumb and p = pinky

Add the right hand sustained chords sound.
Close your eyes and feel the left and right hands working independently and together.
Try moving to the music free style dance AS SLOW AS YOU CAN.
Pretend you’re walking on the moon.

Cathy’s Calypso: STRIKE A POSE! aka the Freeze Dance.
Begin crouched on the ground and jump up and shake your hands when the music changes (after 16 beats/counts).  Dance along until the music stops then freeze and STRIKE A POSE or MAKE A FACE or BALANCE ON ONE LEG. How many different poses can you make?

Think Fast (with electric violin melody) WORDS EMPOWER OTHERS.
When we empower others, we give them the tools and resources they need to succeed. We also show them that we believe in their ability to achieve their goals.
Empowering others can have a ripple effect, inspiring them to empower those around them. And as more and more people are empowered to reach their potential, the world becomes a better place for everyone
Write lyrics that fit the electric violin melody that would empower others.

Think Fast (without electric violin melody)
YOU ARE WHAT YOU SAY! Words can help remind you of your own strength and potential.
Make a list of positive words and phrases to practice speaking in rhythm to this song then try to use them to write spoken word lyrics describing Who You Are and Who You Want To Be!

Pencil or colors, draw an abstract picture inluenced by what you hear using only shapes, textures (light or dark) or different colors.

Write the story this song is conveying. Imagine Where and What is happening? Who is involved? Animals? People?
Draw the story that you hear.  Pencil only or with color sketch what you think is the story of this song. Draw the location or scene, the animals or people, emotions or actions.

Marty Graw – HOW LOW CAN YOU GO?
Do the Limbo to this song. Grab a broom or mop handle and take turns dancing under the handle that slower gets lower and lower and lower and lower!

Listen to the story of this song and act out the Duck (O Pato), The Goose (O Guso), and the Swan as they dance the Samba together until they fall into the water. During the section with no words practice the Samba step pattern: forward, middle, back, middle.

Spanish Swing – AUDIO VISUAL
Find household items that make a percussion sound. Wooden and metal spoons, plastic containers filled with rice or popcorn for shakers. Designate a color to each. Listen to the song then draw a map designating when each color will play during different parts of the song. Individually or together the colors display when to play!

Sunshine Afternoon: SUN WORDS.
While listening to this song make a list of how many words can you think of that have “Sun” in them?
Sunray, Sunscreen, Sunhat …

Time & Again – CHOREOGRAPH this song.
Make up moves and steps,  write them down in your own short hand to be able to remember, and then share and teach to others.

Music For Wellness
Instrumental Music For Relaxation, Meditation and Yoga.



Higher Purpose


A Higher Power




The Journey
